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网站首页 >> 频道首页 >> 广州市南沙区黄山鲁森林公园环湖绿道体系方案设计国际竞赛
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工程名称: 广州市南沙区黄山鲁森林公园环湖绿道体系方案设计国际竞赛
工程类型: 设计招标 招标方式: 公开招标
所属省市: 广东 所在地区: 广州
招标单位: 广州市南沙区农林局
发布时间: 2016-09-19 14:10:01.0 浏览次数: 1105
详 细 内 容

Announcement of International Competition for
Schematic Design of Lakeside Greenway System in Huangshanlu Forest Park, Nansha District, Guangzhou
I. Project Name: International Competition for Schematic Design of Lakeside Greenway System in Huangshanlu Forest Park, Nansha District, Guangzhou (the Competition)
II. Project Profile
Huangshanlu Forest Park in Nansha District of Guangzhou boasts the highest peak in southern Guangzhou, with Longshou Peak at the highest point. Baishui Lake represents the core scenic area of Huangshanlu Forest Park characterized by picturesque views and varied levels. Occupying a total land area of 1,263 ha., Huangshanlu Forest Park is planned with 4 accesses, of which the two accesses on the east and west fall into the design scope and have been put into use. The north access is under construction while the south one has undergone the planning stage. The Competition intends to create a Nansha-style international greenway system around the Baishui Lake of Huangshanlu Forest Park, improve the urban functions and the quality of the environment and meet the public demands for recreation, sports and entertainment. Furthermore, the greenway system is expected to link up the tourism resources and promote the tourism and urban development in the surrounding areas, making itself a new icon of Nansha District and an example of greenway construction in the country.
Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry of Nansha District, Guangzhou acts as the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) and is responsible for organizing the Competition. The Organizer commissions Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the “Agent”) to assist in organizing the Competition.
III. Competition Requirements
1. The Competition contents consist of three parts: 1. Improve the landscaping of the existing road of about 10km inside the Huangshanlu Forest Park. Section A: from the west gate to Baishui Lake Mountain Trial, about 2.7km long; Section B: Longshou Peak Mountain Trial, about 2.1km long; Section C: Core section of lakeside road, about 3.6km long; Section D: from the east gate to Baishui Lake Mountain Trial, about 1.5km long (see the attached Fig. 9 for details); 2. Create quality lakeside greenways; 3. Design the newly added Skywalk and lakeside waterfront pier (see the attached Fig 9 for the intended routes).
2. Design requirements: The overall design requirements, design requirements for the Core Area Lakeside Greenway, and the design requirements for the new Skywalk and Lakeside walkway. See Chapter VI, VII, and VIII of the Technical Document for details.
IV. Competition Method
The Competition is open for registration (including the registration by consortium) by applicants around the world and will be conducted by three phases: (1) Phase 1: prequalification; (2) Phase 2: Competition; (3) Deliverables detailing. (See the Technical Document for details.)
V. Capital source: fiscal funding of Nansha District
VI. Organization Method
1. The Announcement of the Competition will be released at China Procurement and Bidding Network (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn), the website of Guangzhou Nansha District Government (http://www.gzns.gov.cn/), Architecture BBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn), Bidding Monitoring Network of Guangdong Province (www.gdzbtb.gov.cn), and Yangcheng Evening News to openly accept the registrations and bid documents of international and local design firms. In case of any discrepancy between announcement texts published in the media, the one published on the website of Bidding Monitoring Network of Guangdong Province shall prevail.
2. The Evaluation Committee legally established by the Organizer will evaluate, compare and rank the deliverables of the competitors.
VII. Registration qualifications: (See the provisions of the Prequalification Table attached to the Competition Announcement)
VIII. Competition Procedure
1. Announcement and registration:
本项目的竞赛公告于2016年9月19日在中国采购与招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com.cn)、广州南沙开发区政府网站(http://www.gzns.gov.cn/)、建筑论坛(http://www.abbs.com.cn)、广东省招标投标监管网(网址:www.gdzbtb.gov.cn)和羊城晚报上发布。报名单位按有关要求在北京时间2016年9月19日零时至2016年9月28日17时0分在公告的报名时间和报名地点:广州市越秀区东风中路437号越秀城市广场南塔38楼报名参赛,以公告规定的接受报名时间为准,逾期抵达的文件概不受理。(注:参赛单位可采用邮寄报名文件或发送电子文件方式报名参赛,采用电子文件方式报名参赛的,需同时发送到以下电子邮箱地址:302912163@qq.com,和 dc1982@126.com,并需电话通知竞赛组织代理机构,联系人:徐工,联系电话:13632291663,020-39914945;采用邮寄报名文件方式报名的,报名文件邮寄地址,广州市越秀区东风中路437号越秀城市广场南塔38楼,邮编:510000)
The Announcement of the Competition will be released at China Procurement and Bidding Network (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn), the website of Guangzhou Nansha District Government (http://www.gzns.gov.cn/), Architecture BBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn), Bidding Monitoring Network of Guangdong Province (www.gdzbtb.gov.cn), and Yangcheng Evening News on September 19, 2016. Interested parties shall complete the registration process as per the relevant requirements from 0:00 of September 19, 2016 to 17:00 of September 28, 2016 (Beijing Time) as per the time and place specified in the Announcement: F38, South Tower, Yuexiu City Plaza, 437 Dong Feng Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. Documents submitted later than the deadline shall not be accepted.  (Notes: Interested parties may register by mailing the registration documents or emailing the electronic files. In case of registration via email, the registration documents shall be sent to the following email addresses at the same time: 302912163@qq.com, and dc1982@126.com, with notice to the Agent by phone. The contact person is Mr. Xu; Tel:13632291663, 020-39914945; in case of registration via mail, the registration documents shall be sent to the following address: F38, South Tower, Yuexiu City Plaza, 437 Dong Feng Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou; zip code: 510000)
2. Competition security
参赛人需要提交竞赛保证金,参赛担保:人民币  1 万元,参赛担保须在递交成果文件截至前完成缴纳。
Each competitor must pay the Competition security of Renminbi 10,000 Yuan by the deadline for submitting the deliverables.
Beneficiary: Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd
Bank account: 44001491201050477825
Bank: Donghuan Sub-Branch, China Construction Bank
The Competition security receipt is subject to the one issued by Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd. If the Competition security fails to reach the bank account before the deadline or isn’t paid in the name of the participating design firm, the corresponding competitor will be deemed to voluntarily waive the qualification for participating in the Project.
3. Design scheme and evaluation
The design scheme shall be prepared within a period of 30 days. The Organizer will arrange for experts to evaluate the deliverables as per the evaluation rules of the RFP documents, and determine the rankings of the competitor winning the 1st Place and those ranking the 2nd through the 5th place.
IX. Relevant Fees and Payment Method: See the Technical Documents for details
X. Other Requirements
1. The Organizer shall own the copyright of all deliverables for this design Competition and may display, print, publish and use such deliverables. None of the deliverables submitted shall be returned. None of the documents and data provided by the Organizer for competitors’ uses during the design process shall be used for other purposes than this Competition.
2. Competitors shall pay all expenses for traffic, food, accommodation, and data/deliverables preparation during the Competition period when such competitors register for the Competition, collect the Bidding Documents, attend a site visit/clarifications, and submit the design deliverables.
3. The time mentioned in the Announcement of the Announcement shall all be Beijing Time.
4. The specifications and codes employed during the design process shall all be subject to those issued by the People’s Republic of China.
5. The right to interpret the Announcement of the Competition shall reside in the Organizer.
Name: Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry of Nansha District, Guangzhou
Address (zip code): F3, Building D, 1 Feng Huang Da Dao, Nansha District, Guangzhou (511455)
Contact person: Mr. Chen
Tel (mobile): 020-84987867
传真号码:       /     
Fax No:       /     
电子邮箱:       /     
Email:       /     
Name: Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd
Address (zip code): F38, South Tower, Yuexiu City Plaza, 437 Dong Feng Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City
Contact person: Mr. Xu
电话(手机)号码:020-020-39914945 、 13632291663
Tel (mobile): 020-020-39914945; 13632291663
Fax No: 020-83311714
Email: 302912163@qq.com
September 19, 2016

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